Radio broadcasts
22.04.2021 New leaders at ELEA and ERAA: why did Toivo Kuldkepp have to leave?
In the last six months, both the Estonian Logistics and Freight Forwarding Association (ELEA) and the Estonian Road Haulage Association (ERAA) have elected new CEOs. The latter has also just appointed a new president. ‘Ärikliendid roolis’ invited Herkki Kitsing and Jaak Kivisild to introduce themselves and the changes that lie ahead for the organizations in question.
13.07.2022 Collecting transport taxes only through excise taxes is not sustainable
11.07.2022 ELEA in Äripäev’s radio broadcast ‘Ärikliendid roolis’: Collecting transport tax only through excise tax is not sustainable
Estonia is the only developed country in the world where all transport is taxed solely through excise tax on fuel. This trend is unsustainable, as high fuel prices will remain for years to come, and it is already starting to hurt the wallets of ordinary people and businesses alike, found the broadcast ‘Ärikliendid roolis’.
Herkki Kitsing, head of the Estonian Logistics and Freight Forwarding Association (ELEA), pointed out that transport companies today are overcoming the difficult situation largely thanks to the introduction of a fuel surcharge, which is adjusted weekly. However, in the end, somebody has to pay for it, so looking at today’s food prices in shops and being the country with the highest inflation in Europe, it is obvious that Estonia needs to seriously review its excise policy.
Radio interview – Longer truck trains of 20.75m and 25.25m and 60 tons on Estonian roads
On 19.10.2022 a radio interview aired on Vikeradio at 12 o’clock on midday news. Herkki Kitsing, member of the ELEA board, gave a radio interview on the issue of allowing longer truck trains of 20.75m and 25.25m with a gross weight of 60 tons on the roads. Ain Tatter from MKM also shares his comments.
22.03.2023 Janek Saareoks, Member of the ELEA Council and CEO of AS Schenker in a radio broadcast ‘Logistikauudised eetris (Logistics news broadcast)’
Janek Saareoks, member of the ELEA Council and CEO of AS Schenker, admitted in the broadcast ‘Logistikauudised eetris’ on 22.03.2022 that the main expectation of the upcoming government is to ensure fair competition conditions in the transport and logistics sector and to promote environmentally friendly transport solutions.
Janek Saareoks, member of the board of the Estonian Logistics and Freight Forwarders Association (ELEA) and CEO of AS Schenker, admitted on the broadcast ‘Logistikauudised eetris’ that the sector does not expect any subsidies from the new government, but rather a policy that would guarantee the strategically vital sector a fair level playing field compared to neighboring countries.
The broadcast looked at Estonian transport policy as a whole, discussed what the sector expects from the upcoming government and the competitive environment in which our logistics sector operates today.
‘Logistikauudised eetris’ broadcast is hosted by Tõnu Tramm, head of the blog.