NTN EST AS is known as a leading provider of logistics services, specializing in the transport of cargo by sea and providing related services in ports, such as freight forwarding, storage logistics and road transport services. NTN EST AS was established in 1996 under the name of Chr. Jensen Estonia as a freight forwarding company, which organized the delivery, storage and distribution of goods. Since 2008, the former Chr. Jensen Estonia has been called NTN after its parent company. Today, NTN EST AS is an independent company acting as a “NVO” freight forwarder.

Basic information about the company:

Member status Principal member
Date of joining 29.04.1996
Services Road transport, Air transport, Sea transport, Rail transport, Customs broker service, Storage of goods, Transport insurance, Special cargo transport, Logistics consultations
Website https://www.n-t-n.ee
E-mail info@n-t-n.ee
Phone 3726069121
Address Osmussaare 8
Postal code 13811
Country Estonia