Viljandi Kutseõppekeskus/VIKK

Viljandi Kutseõppekeskus was formed in 1999 when Viljandi Kutsekeskkool, Vana-Võidu Kõrgem Põllumajanduskool and Viljandi Õppekeskus were merged.
The origins of VIKK can be traced back to the Viljandi-based A. Kamsen Kaubanduskool founded in 1906 and the Vana-Võidu Alampõllutöökool, founded on 7 August 1920.

Basic information about the company:

Member status Associate member
Date of joining 01.01.2023
Services Education, Further education, Trainings/educational institutions
Phone 3724351020
Address Looduse tee 2, Viljandi vald Viljandimaa
Postal code 70108
Country Estonia